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Twyst Creative Logo Brand and Design Studio
Mind Partnership Tourism Vancouver - Brochure

Mind Partnership
Passing the brand baton.


Challenge: Ever been gifted a healthy and vibrant plant and felt the pressure to take great care of it? This was the case with the MIND Partnership project. Initially developed by a well established brand agency, we were handed a detailed and concise brand guideline to assist in developing additional collateral. 

Solution: When it’s done right, it just works. This was a perfect example of how important the branding process is. With clear direction on aesthetics, tone and language, we were able to produce supporting collateral while continuing to support brand growth.

Role: Graphic Design, Print, Direction

*Visual identity developed by Ion Brand Design

Mind Partnership Tourism Vancouver - Outside
Mind Partnership Tourism Vancouver - Inside
Mind Partnership Tourism Vancouver - Brochure Front
Mind Partnership Tourism Vancouver - Brochure Open Inside
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